ユアン クレイグ的 陶芸生活

Thank you for visiting my blog.
This blog about my husband, Euan Craig, who is an Australian potter in Japan; about his works, making process, our life style and our family.   


4 September 2011

The exhibition finished.

Euan had finished his exhibition at Gallery Ciel in Utsunomiya, Tochigi.

Many people visited the exhibition.
Thank you very much.
Euan was very happy to see you and to talk to you there.

Your words warmed our hearts.

Euan had lived about half of his life in Tochigi,
it is like a second home town for him now.
It is precious to us to have the opportunity to see you all.

He has left and moved from there,
but Tochigi remains in his heart.
And our children's hearts,
and mine also.

However, the opportunity to see you gives us confidence.
We will try hard to put down new roots here.
Thank you for your continuing support.